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"Imagine" John Lennon 80's

« Imagine » is a song by the British singer John Lennon This song was released on the album « Imagine » in 1978. The song is about  a world with no possession in which everyone would share everything... John Lennon's ideal and imaginary world (hence the title « Imagine »)       


John Lennon left the Beatles in 1970. Imagine was a hit. If we had to define this  type of music , we could say that it was more less experimental music , with country Jazz and blues music. Obviously, he found inspiration from American rock bands...


A new world filled with peace, and without possession is the Ideal world imagined by John Lennon in this song. When the documentary about Lennon was relaesed, he was dead... Actually, Lennon was shot dead in the back 4 times in front of his residence, in New York. Nowadays no one can ignore The Beatles' legacy. Indeed, Lennon is both remembered for his band and his solo career. A gathering in his memory continues to be held in New York every December 8, the date of his death. Across the world, several memorials were erected in his honor.